
Schedule your complementary Sales Expectation Strategy Sesstion now to...

Get clarity on how to hit your revenue targets

Once 15 are booked, we will stop until we have more bandwidth.

If you are building a sales team for your B2B SaaS company, read this.

If you are scaling a B2B SaaS company, this will be the most important thing you've ever read.


But first, a warning.


This is not some scummy lead generation or a LinkedIn spambot.


What you are getting works great for our clients, and it's the exact planning system we've used to scale companies to 3x their revenue in 12 months while raising $70+ million in venture funding.


But there is a catch.


This is great to build a plan but like most plans, it only works if you actually take action on it.


I would never insult your intelligence and claim that you will blow your sales numbers out of the water.


The reality is that most startups fail, and I can give you all the tools in the world but only you can use them to scale your company.

With that said, let me jump in and show you exactly what you're getting.

Together, we will complete a model that will outline exactly what you need to do to hit your most aggressive revenue targets.

This isn't your average excel model because it actually makes it clear what you have to do to hit your targets. No theory, just action items.

This model takes 30 minutes to complete and is exactly what we use to quickly scale B2B SaaS companies to 3x their revenue in a year so they can raise big funding rounds.

It's about more than just hiring a bunch of people.

A cybersecurity company used this model to hire their first two SDRs and saw their revenue double within 6 months.

A project managment software company we worked with used this model to hire their first two AEs and grew revenue so fast that

A small seed stage data science startup in New York used this model to hire one SDR and they added 50 logos to their pipeline in 90 days.

So, like I said, there is more to this model than just telling you to hire more reps.

Here is a fraction of what you are getting

  • Do you know how many reps to hire? And is it possible to hire too many?
  • 3 ways to double the effectiveness of you sales team.
  • Why you should never hire one rep at a time.
  • The truth about hitting aggressive revenue targets.
  • Say goodbye to micromanaging SDRs and AEs
  • How to build a repeatable sales process without years of trial and error.
  • Why just doing more cold calls almost never works.
  • What to do if your team isnt performing right.
  • How to 2x your revenue by making a small change to your targeting.
  • The truth about scaling a sales team the right way, without your prospects feeling like you are a scammer.
  • Say goodbye to frustrated board members.
  • What to do if your team fails to generate revenue.
  • For venture backed startups. How to forecast growth so your investors are surprised when you over perform
  • For bootstrapped tech companies. How to safely spend on sales to avoid collapsing your cash flow.

Yes, that's a lot of ways to ensure that when you build your sales team it's done the right way.

And it gets better because you're also getting...

A complete copywriting guide for salespeople video training

This will show the reps that you hire how to write convincing email copy that actually converts.
This method is what we use with all of our clients that help them scale much faster because your prospects actually reply to their emails.

After going through the material, your team will have everything they need to convert more prospects through LinkedIn and Email.

This is important because using the techniques in this guide will create a positive first impression on your prospects, so your brand is protected.

Here's what to do next

Schedule a complimentary 30 minute call with our team and answer some of the questions in the form.

We will review your information before our call and set up the model.

On our call we will do the math together and discuss exactly what you need to do to build a high - performing inside sales team.

After our call, you will also get access to the Copywiting Guide for Salespeople.

Again, this is completely free.

We do this because some of you will want us to help you with the plan we provide. We only accept two clients a month, so you don't have to worry about any high pressure sales tactics here.

There is no catch

In case you are wondering, there is no catch.

Yeah, there are some programs out there that offer a free strategy session and it's really just a pitch to sign up for some goofy online course.

There are no expectations from us.

We are doing this because we know the impact this process has for our clients and we think, by doing it before someone pays us, it will be a good start to a business relationship.

Time is of the essence

In most cases, we will lose money on this. The advertising costs to get you here is pretty high.

So why would we do this?

Simple. We're making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed and want to do more business with us in the future.

We believe that you will get so much value from this that you will ask us how we can help.

Anyway - with all of that, we only have the bandwidth to do 15 of these.

Oh, one more thing.

You're also going to get a video training on how to evaluate and hire high performing SDRs and AEs.

This is a video of our CEO, Kyle Vamvouris, walking through the framework he has used to evaluate over 300 salespeople and build some of the highest performing sales teams on the planet.

There is no charge for this, it's our gift to you.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...


Of course we have a guarentee.

We call it...

The "you profit" guarantee

We 100% guarantee that you'll get value out of this session or we'll pay you $50 and you can keep the video trainings anyway.

That's right. You don't even need a reason, just tell us you didn't find it valuable and we'll pay you $50 and you don't have to send anything back.

How's that for fair?


This is truely a limited offer so take advantage of it now before we book up.


Thank's so much for reading this and we hope to hear from you soon.


-The Vouris Team

P.S. In case you are one of those people who just skip to the end, here's the deal:

We're offering you a 30 minute strategy session that will give you clarity on how to build a high performing sales team and scale your B2B SaaS company quickly without all the trial and error. 

We're also giving you a video training on how to write cold email and LinkedIn copy that actually converts. This is the same system our clients use to consistantly hit their revenue targets through cold outreach.

You're also getting another video training on how to hire top performing SDRs and AEs.

This is the same system that our CEO, Kyle Vamvouris, has used his entire career to interview over 300 sales people and build multiple world class inside sales teams.

This offer is limited to 15 people because we don't have unlimited bandwidth.

There is no "catch" to this offer, you don't have to commit to anything and we wont try to hared sell you (in fact, you won't even be talking to a salesperson).

If you show up and don't get the value we are promising, we will pay you $50.

Book your appointment today, you won't regret it.